Be My Friend

Be My Friend

Be My Friend

By Lauren R. Mort

I wait and watch for kindness to show through,

The day when friendship will bloom and grow

Where use is not judged toward benefit.

A time that self is absent in the ways of mind,

When there is awareness and care for another,

To stand by evermore and never disappear.

Friendship is to see and understand without a word,

To be happy for success and comfort in distress

Always lasting through any bitter storm.

Having many memories to reminisce,

For true friends never go

And you have left me now all alone.

But I will still be hopeful for the change,

So my love and kindness will remain,

Distance may grow but care will never end.




By Lauren R. Mort

Happiness is of the simple things,

To wake up smiling in the morning

Without a care of what the day will bring,

A purr from a perfect cat

That snuggles up to me.

A bird who sings with a voice of joy

While I savor this cup of tea;

In the garden of green

Quite full of pretty things,

With the mesmerizing perfume

From the many flowered trees.

The giggles of small children,

And the sparkle in their eyes,

As they skip along carefree

With a happy train of mind.

Sleeping outside

On a cool summer night,

Having stars to gaze upon

And crickets as a lullaby.

Laughing over silly things,

Finding excitement in normal life,

To cherish every moment

Where happiness resides.

The Happy Memory

The Happy Memory

The Happy Memory

By Lauren R. Mort

Somewhere yonder in a field,

There will be a memory

That once was real.

Times of laughing children

On a swing no longer there,

Running free across the grasses

Without a reason or a care.

Playing their games,

No adult could understand

To the forest of no return,

A place not to go again.

Jumping the narrow creeks

Or falling into them,

These adventures never bleak.

To walking along skinny trails,

Catching pollywogs with nets

Knee deep in water,

And sword fights with sticks.

A time when no season

Could have ever stop them

From returning there again.